Danmark som Turistland

År: 1919

Forlag: Egmont H. Petersens Kgl. Hof. Bogtrykkeri

Sted: København

Sider: 394

UDK: 91(489) st.f.

Redigeret af den danske Turistforening.

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Side af 420 Forrige Næste
KØBEN HAVN o ‘She (Eop enhagen ‘Bunkercoal Qepot. <£td. Copenhagen. Telegraphic address: ’’Bunkerdepot” a FOR quickest despatch by bunkering send the ship tO Port Cif CciDPnhacrpn 4-V» <=» 4-V. ~ - - x. to Port of Copenhagen, the safest, the most economical in Europe. — The situation of the port is in every way unique and steamers on passage to and from the Baltic incur no deviation by calling here. Best Durhamand Newcastle coals, qualities gua- ranteed, are supplied at lowest prices day and night by 3 electric cranes, each capable of putting on board abt. 100 tons an hour. Weight guaranteed, the coals are weighed authorized and automatically. The entrance is wide, enabling boats to enter with the utmost ease, either by day or night, and coming alongside and leaving our depots is so extremely simple that Captains frequently do so, after the first call, without a pilot, although a pilot is at their service by day and night, and the charge for pilotage is very mo- derate, fixed according to draft and tonnage. The har- bour is one of the cheapest in Europe on account of there being no tidal water. The depth of water of the Kroneloeb is 36 ft. and the outer breakwaters have a width of 515 ft. between. There are several large floa- ting and dry docks, patent slips and ship building yards where all kinds of repairs are executed. INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIS 84 Wegge & Dalberg Snedkermestre o Vingaardsstræde Nr. 1 (Bagbygningen) I Tlf. Centr. 3733 X (Hotel Monopol) Tlf. Centr. 3733 1 Snedker- og Tapetsererværksteder