Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Sider: 448

UDK: 600 Eng -gl.

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IRRIGATION WORK IN THE UNITED STATES. 99 in -April 1904. The principal engineering structure is known as the Roosevelt Dam, one of the highest dams in the world. Its location is seventy-five miles north-east of Phenix, in an almost inaccessible region, which for many years has been the favourite haunt of heavy machinery required for the construction of the dam, the grade of the road throughout its entire length up the canyon does not exceed four per cent. An interesting feature in con- nection with the building of this road was the employment of the Apache Indians on the ROOSEVELT DAM AND POWER PLANT, ARIZONA. This dam is one of the highest in the world, being 286 feet from foundations to parapet. It will impound 456,190,000,000 gallons in a reservoir having an area of 25 j square miles. Some 20,000 horse-power will be developed in the power house at the foot of the dam. the hostile Apache Indians. Before construc- tion was commenced, it was necessary, owing to the remoteness of the dam site from a rail- road, to construct a first-class wagon road across the desert, and for forty miles through a wild and rugged mountain country. This road is regarded as one of the most pic- turesque highways in the country, as well as one of the best pieces of road work ever done by engineers. In order to bring in the and not a few Indian Labourers. work. Many of these Indians were noted marauders and cattle thieves, were suspected of murder. During the two years they were actively employed—at times to the number of several hundred—they proved industrious and faithful, and the quality of their work was even better than that of the white labourers. The road completed, a large camp was established at the entrance of Salt