Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Sider: 448

UDK: 600 Eng -gl.

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EARLY ATLANTIC CABLES. 289 A submarine mountain, in the midst of a steep descent from 550 to 1,750 fathoms, was successfully negotiated. Everything went well, indeed, till early on the fourth The Cable , . , . . _ Snaps da^’ when cable snapped, owing to mismanagement on the part of the mechanic at the brakes. The machinery having stopped, all hands rushed on deck and gathered in mournful groups : their tones were sad, their voices low, as though a death had occurred on board. This untoward accident was naturally a Preparations for Another Attempt. The squadron made for Plymouth to unload the cable into suitable tanks, some of the ships not being available much longer till the following year. A little later the engineer-in-chief pro- ceeded to Valencia in a small paddle-steamer with a view to picking up some of the lost cable from that end. Over fifty miles were recovered, and the shore end buoyed ready for splicing on the following year. Pig. 11.—SHIPPING CABLE ABOARD H.M.S. “ AGAMEMNON,” THE VESSEL WHICH ACTED IN CONCERT WITH THE “ NIAGARA ” IN LAYING THE FIRST ATLANTIC CABLE. matter of great disappointment to every one concerned ; for there was not enough cable left to complete the work, nor was there time to get more made to renew the attempt before the season would be too far advanced. The only course open was to return home, and await developments. (1,408) The first expedition had opened the eyes of the investing public to the vastness of the undertaking, and led many to doubt who did not doubt before. This decline of faith was especially shown as soon as there was a call for more money. The loss of 335 miles of cable, with the postponement of th© expe- 19 VOL. II.