Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Sider: 448

UDK: 600 Eng -gl.

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374 ENGINEERING WONDERS- OF THE WORLD. ■testing and signalling had been considerably improved since the laying of the first cable. Yet, notwithstanding the dimensions of the core, these new lines only worked at first at a rate of eight words per minute. This speed was, however, increased later on up to fifteen words per minute by the application of condensers in the receiving circuit at each end. Unfortunately, both cables broke down a few months after they were laid, and one of them again during the following year. The faults were localized with great accuracy by Mr. F. Lambert on behalf of Messrs. Bright and Clark, as engineers to the “ Anglo- American ” Company ; and, not having been killed electrically like that of 1858, these cables were in due course repaired, afterwards doing good work for several years. On the return of the 1866 expedition a banquet was given to those concerned in the undertaking, and speeches suited to the occasion were made by Sir Charles Bright, M.P., in responding as one of the original projectors, and as engineer to the various enterprises, as well as by the American consul, on behalf of Mr. Cyrus Field ; but the re- maining projector, Mr. J. W. Brett, had died in the interval. Appropriate honours were subsequently be- stowed on those immediately associated with these further undertakings, which left their results behind in complete and lasting form. Other transatlantic cables have since been laid from time to time, and there are now as many as sixteen in all. Several of these are controlled by the same companies, whilst those connecting the American continent with France and Germany are owned by foreign interests. THE "GREAT EASTERN’’ BUMPING AGAINST THE BUOY.