Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Sider: 448

UDK: 600 Eng -gl.

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408 ENGINEERING WONDERS OF THE WORLD. ments. One set of figures, nevertheless, may be cited, in connection with the great dam, which should help to indicate the vastness of the changes being wrought. power. Indeed, in recording improvements to the country it appears natural to express them in terms of husbandry or soil values. Of old the victories of the hydraulic engi- cross Section Cast/ronp,lin9 Fig. 28.—SECTION OF ASSIOUT BARRAGE. In Middle Egypt the Assouan Reservoir and Assiout Barrage have enabled, it is estimated, 420,600 acres to be converted from basin to perennial irrigation, and so have increased their value by £29,000,000. The enhancement of the value of agricul- tural land may be pronounced the chief aim and end of all projects, all labours, all achievements described in this article. Egypt was, and Egypt remains, an agricultural neer were won in the cause of agriculture. “ The attention and care bestowed upon the Nile,” said Strabo, “ are so great as to cause industry to triumph over nature.” “ Egypt was a granary,” wrote Sir Gardner Wilkinson, “ where from the earliest times all people felt sure of finding a plenteous store.” To irrigate more land—that would appear to be the line of advancement chosen for Egypt by her rulers. It is a peaceful course, and in helping her along it, in aiding her to fulfil SLUICE apron her ancient destiny, it is gratifying to know that British engineers have played no mean part—and have added to their laurels by the way. JFig. 29. — section OF ASSOUAN DAM, SHOWING ADDI- TIONAL MASONRY, APRONS, ETC. Note.—Most of the illustrations accompanying this article were kindly supplied by Messrs. Baker and Hurtzig. ROCK Old High Level