Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume I

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Sider: 448

UDK: 600 Eng -gl.

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Side af 476 Forrige Næste
 416 ENGINEERING WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Fig. 10.—TRINIDAD BOLTED SECTIONAL DOCK, WITH S.S. “ NEMBE ” LIFTED. one with a big list and perhaps partly water- logged. One of the heaviest tasks set to the Bermuda dock after its arrival there was the docking, for temporary repairs, of H.M.S. Dominion after stranding in the St. Lawrence. The vessel in her water-logged condition dis- placed at the time of docking nearly 17,000 tons ; and although this weight was some- what in excess of that which the dock was designed to lift under normal conditions, the Dominion was docked without difficulty. A still more rigid structure than the Havana type of dock was obtained in the dock designed by Mr. H. Hansson, and built by the Maryland Steel Company for the United States Government. After completion, this dock, which was named the “ Dewey,” was of the Philippine Islands. The issued by the United States United States Dock for the Philippines. towed to one specifications Navy Department limited the amount of deflection allowable to 1 in 2,000 inches. To meet this very exacting requirement the middle portion of the dock for about four-sixths of the total length, was made a solid trough, which can, when necessary, be lifted for clean- ing and painting on the end pontoons, each representing about one-sixth of the dock’s length. The consensus of expert opinion, however, appears to be now in. favour of the “ bolted sectional ” type of dock, as affording the maxi- mum longitudinal strength combined with the essential features for self-docking. This type (see Fig. 7c) is built in three sections of approximately equal lengths, the two end sections being symmetrical. Th© ends of the walls, as will be seen in our diagram, are stepped down, the lower step forming a docking land when lifting the other sections. The method of self-docking adopted with this The Bolted Sectional Type of Dock.