Concrete Roads
and Their Construction

År: 1920

Serie: Concrete Series

Forlag: Concrete Publications Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 197

UDK: 625.8 Con-gl.

Being a Description of the concrete Roads in the United Kingdom, together with a Summary of the Experience in this Form of Construction gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

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USE OF CONCRETE FOR ROAD ACCESSORIES 193 I whether in the form of direction posts or of the various cautions and danger signals adopted by the Automobile Association and Motor Union. These, as we have suggested, could be made entirely of concrete. Black letters on an approximately white ground would be sufficiently clear to the passing motorist, and the economy effected by the use of a material which needs no expense for upkeep should appeal to the authorities who have control of these road signs. o