Concrete Roads
and Their Construction
År: 1920
Serie: Concrete Series
Forlag: Concrete Publications Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 197
UDK: 625.8 Con-gl.
Being a Description of the concrete Roads in the United Kingdom, together with a Summary of the Experience in this Form of Construction gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.
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Northbrook Street, Newbury.—Northbrook Street is the main,
business street of Newbury, and, being part of the main road
between the Midlands and Southampton, bears a fairly heavy
traffic of a general character.
This road, which was laid in the spring of 1920, is 440 yds.
long, and the width of the roadway, from kerb to kerb, is 45 ft. ;
this enabled the reconstruction to be carried out in half widths
without undue inconvenience.
Construction.—The particulars of construction are as follows :—
Foundation.—The foundation is that of the original macadam
road, and is fairly well consolidated.
Course.—For the concrete road itself the one-course method
was adopted, and the thickness of the slab is 8 in.
Aggregate and Proportions.—The materials were mixed by hand
in the following way : A measuring box of one-third cu. yd.
capacity was employed, and this was filled,
Once with 2-in. Clee Hill granite,
Once with 1-in. to |-in. Clee Hill granite, and
Once with sharp sand and flint grit.
This gives 27 cu. ft. of aggregate, to which was added 6 cu. ft.
of Portland cement, resulting in a 4| to 1 mixture.
Reinforcement.—The subsoil here is peat, and it was solely
with a view to counteracting its effect upon the road surface that
reinforcement was employed. For a like reason the concrete
was treated as a slab, and the reinforcement placed 2| in. from
the under side.