Katalog over Vandbygningsvæsenets Bogsamling 1918
År: 1919
Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 88
UDK: 017(489)Van
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
J3424. Lütken, A.: Forelæsninger over Vej- og Jernbanebygning. (Op-
tryk af Udgaven 1898—1900). 1. Del, 1. Afsnit: Liniebestem-
nielse. I. Del, 2. Afsnit: Jordarbejde. III. Del, 1. Bind: Almin-
delige Adhæsionsbaner. Den frie Bane. Bnnegaardo. Koben-
havn 1915. 3 B.
13425. Thygesen, P.: Forelæsninger over økonomisk Landmaaling. 2.
Udg. København 1915.
Thygesen, P.: Kortfattet Vejledning i økonomisk Landmaaling
til Brug vod Øvelserne i Marken. København 1915.
135. John Weales tekniske Lærebøger.
13 5*. Rudimentary treatise on civil engineering. I & II. Law, H.:
1) The rudiments of civil engineering for use of beginners;
2) Special construction. Indbundne i eet Bind. 1854 og 1855,
2. edition. III. 1) Law, H.: 3) Do. Special construction samt
4) Burnell. G. R.: The rudiments of hydraulic engineering, 1852.
Indbundne i eet Bind. III. 2) Burnell, G. R.: The rudiments of
hydr. eng. 1852 (John Woale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London
1852 ( 1855). 3 B.
1352. Dobson, E.: Rudiments of the art of building. In five sections,
viz: Section 1: General principles of construction. Section II:
Materials used in building. Section ITT: Strength of materials.
Section IV: Use of materials. Section V: Working drawings,
specification, and estimates. Second edition (Jolin Weale’s
»Rudimentary treatises«). London 1854.
1353. Dobson, E.: A rudimentary treatise on masonry and stonecut-
ting (John Woale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1849. 2 B.
1354. Burgoyne, J.: Rudimentary treatise on the blasting and quar-
rying of stone for building and other purposes. Second edition
(John Woale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1852.
135s. Burnell, G. R.: Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars,
concretes, mastics, plastering etc. (John Woale’s »Rudimentary
treatises«). London 1850.
1355. Dobson, E.: A rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of bricks
and tiles. 1 og II indbundne i cot Bind. (Jolin Woale’s »Rudi-
mentary treatises«). London 1850.
1357. Baker, T.: Elementary treatise on land and engineering sur-
veying. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1854.
1358. Heather, J. F.: A treatise on mathematical instruments. (.Jolin
Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1853.
1359. Tomlinson, Ch.: Rudimentary treatise on the construction of
locks. (John Weale’s »Rudimentary treatises«). London 1853.
135"’ . Law, H.: Rudiments of the art of constructing and repairing
common roads. To which is prefixed: A general survey of the
principal Metropolitan Roads by S. Hughes. (John Weale’s »Ru-
dimentary treatises«). London 1850.