The Horizontal Steam Turbine For Stationary Plants
År: 1920
Forlag: Vacuum Oil Company
Sted: New York
Sider: 16
UDK: 621.165
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There are two principal methods of turbine
Oil Circulation System—for the large
sized turbines of 300 horse power and
Ring-oiled bearings.
These are usually employed on the
smaller turbines up to 300 horse power
in size; sometimes ring-oiled bearings
are employed on the largest sized tur-
O il Circulation System (Fig. 4)
From the lower portion of the go vemor
spindle (H6, Fig. 4) is driven the rotary oil
pump (T4), which takes oil from the oil tank
(T3) and delivers it, through the oil cooler
(T6), directly to the bearings (F2) through
oil supply pipes (Ti), or to the elevated
tank (T).
Generally the oil passes from the oil
cooler directly into the distributing pipe (Ti);
it then becomes necessary to have a spring-
loaded relief valve (Ti2) in the delivery pipe,
near the bottom oil tank, in order to main-
tain an adequate oil supply at a steady pres-
sure. The surplus is retumed to the bottom
oil tank (T3).
From the bearings the oil returns through
return pipes (T2) to the bottom oil tank (T3)
through the strainer (T8). Oil throwers
(Fi 1) prevent the oil from creeping out along
the shaft from the bearings.
If more oil is delivered to the elevated tank
(T) than is required for the bearings, the sur-
plus oil overflows through the pipe (T7) into
the bottom oil tank (T3). The elevated tank
(T) is nearly always omitted except in very
large installations.
From an elevated tank (T) the oil is fed
through the distributing pipe (Ti) into the
various bearings of the turbine.
It is good practice to have inserted in the
return oil pipes (T2), sight feed arrange-
ments by which the actual flow of oil from
each particular bearing can be examined.
Frequently test cocks (Tg) are fitted in the
middle of the bearing tops, which, when
opened, will show whether the bearing is
being adequately supplied with oil.
In both the elevated oil tank (T) and the
bottom oil tank (T3) are fitted drain cocks
(Tio), through which water and sludge can
be drained away.
Frequently the oil is also used for operat-
ing the governor gear (not shown). For
this purpose oil is introduced into the various
parts of the governor gear operated by the
oil at a pressure of from 25 Ibs. to 80 Ibs. per
square inch.
Occasionally one oil pump is used for
supplying oil for bearing lubrication and
another pump for supplying small quantities
of oil under high pressure, for the governor
Fig. 9. Turbine connected to generator through a reduction gear (turbine and gear cover removed)