Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building
of the World's Columbian Exposition
Forfatter: Maud Howe Elliott
År: 1893
Forlag: Goupil & Co.
Sted: Paris and New York
Sider: 287
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
Chigaco, 1893.
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The World’s Columbian Exposition has afforded woman an unpre-
cedented opportunity to present to the world a justification of her
claim to be placed on complete equality with man.
The broad fact that able and earnest women from all quarters of
the globe organized for the purpose of gathering evidence and demand-
ing a hearing by the court of assembled nations is generally known.
The following pages—written by women eminent as pleaders in the
cause—tell eloquently of the detail of their procedure and of the
results so far attained.
That their labors will immediately eventuate in the full realization
of their hopes can not with reason be expected, but that their efforts
have revealed the possession of unsuspected powers, and will disperse
the mists of ignorant prejudice that at present cloud the question, can
not be doubted.
The publishers hail with pleasure the opportunity that the issuance
of this volume affords them of adding to the light, and perhaps of
hastening the coming of the day when woman will be emancipated
from restraints imposed upon her by a worn-out conventionalism
absurdly unsuited to our times and conditions.