Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building
of the World's Columbian Exposition

Forfatter: Maud Howe Elliott

År: 1893

Forlag: Goupil & Co.

Sted: Paris and New York

Sider: 287

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

Chigaco, 1893.

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MUSIC IN THE WOMAN’S BUILDING. FINDING myself appointed chairman of the Committee on Music in the Woman’s Building, by Mrs. Potter Palmer, and feeling somewhat overcome at the immense and unexplored field for work that lay before me, it occurred to me that here also might lie the same opportunity for “ helping women to help them- selves” that has been the underlying motive of all the woman’s work of the Columbian Exposition; therefore I submitted, with some hesi- tation, a little plan for securing amateur music in the Woman’s Build- ing to Mr. Theodore Thomas, Musical Director-General. Mr. Thomas found something worthy in the idea, and indorsed my plan heartily, lending me his advice and cooperation, which have proved of inestimable value. After studying the possibilities which lay in my original idea, that of affording a hearing in the Woman’s Building for amateurs of distinction, I sent the following circular to all the Lady Managers, asking their sympathy and assistance in their various States: “ Believing that the progress of American women in musical knowledge and experience can not be more simply and effectively shown, the National Committee on Music in the Woman’s Building at the Exposition has designed a series of musical illustrations after the following plan, briefly outlined: It is proposed to give semi-monthly concerts in the Woman’s Building at Chicago during the six months of the Exposition, at which only women or girls who are amateurs, possessed of talent and a high order of musical ability, and who have been residents of America for at least ten years, will be permitted to appear. The qualifications of any one desiring to take part must first be tested and approved by a jury selected by the Woman’s National Committee on Music, and satis- factory to Theodore Thomas, Musical Director of the Exposition. No musical prodigy will be admitted simply as such, nor is the diploma of any college or conservatory either necessary or suf- ficient. Each candidate will be rated upon her merits, technical proficiency not alone being considered. Permission to appear at (137)