Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building
of the World's Columbian Exposition
Forfatter: Maud Howe Elliott
År: 1893
Forlag: Goupil & Co.
Sted: Paris and New York
Sider: 287
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
Chigaco, 1893.
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Black and White Drawing—“ Anon Comes April in Her Jollity.”
Rosina Emmet Sherwood, --------- 48
Black and White Illustration—“ In the Meeting House." A. B. Stephens, __ 49
Bronze Group—“ Brother and Sister.” Fraulein Finzelberg, - 161
Costume of a “ Hedebipoge’’—Peasant Woman of Zeeland, . __ - .208
Genuine Spanish Lace, 282
Marble Bust of Princess Obolensky. Princess Schahovskoy, 33
Marble Statue—“Spring.” Mme. L. Contan, ------ 64
Miniature—“ Toilet of Venus.” Mme. Hervé, ------ 212
Oil Painting—“ Christ and the Sinner.” Countess Kalkreuth, . 224
Oil Painting—Flowers. Fraulein Ley, __ - I7^>
Oil Painting—Fruit. Molly Cramer, ------- 241
Oil Painting—Landscape Frau Schroeder, __ - - - - - _ 128
Oil Painting—Landscape. Fraulein Von Kendell, __ 225
Oil Painting—“ Mars and Venus.” Poppe Liideritz, - -40
Oil Painting—“ Morning Prayer.” C. E. Fischer, . 193
Oil Painting—“ Thoughts.” Fraulein Lübbes, ------ 160
Oil Painting—“ Venetian Scene.” Frau Bégas, ------ 128
Old Baptismal Gown. Baroness Reedtz Thott, ------ 209
Painting. Louise Abbema, ------- - 177
Pottery—Cincinnati Collection, 259
Sketch for Window. Mary Tillinghast, . . - 16
Stephanus Vase. Mme. Apoil, _ - - - !92
Tapestry. Barbara Wolf, ---------- 32
Water Colors—Jessup Collection. Minnie R. Sargent, __ 12g
Water Color—Portrait of the Empress of Russia. Mme. Kraneskoi, - 17
Water Color—Portrait. Rosina Emmet Sherwood, ------ 65