Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building
of the World's Columbian Exposition

Forfatter: Maud Howe Elliott

År: 1893

Forlag: Goupil & Co.

Sted: Paris and New York

Sider: 287

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

Chigaco, 1893.

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IN THE WOMAN’S BUILDING. 253 chief towns, but even in the small provincial places. Finally the higher university education was opened to women in 1872, in Petersburg, Moscow, Kieff, and Kharkoff. Private initiative and REPRODUCTION OF CURTAIN OF THE THRONE OF THE CZARS JEAN AND PETER, 1681. Lent by Mme. Schabelskoi, Member of the Imperial Russian Historical Museum. means have greatly contributed to the development of the inter- mediate and higher education, such as the gymnasiums of Mme. Taganzeff Soiounine, Princess Obolensky in Petersburg, Mme.