Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building
of the World's Columbian Exposition

Forfatter: Maud Howe Elliott

År: 1893

Forlag: Goupil & Co.

Sted: Paris and New York

Sider: 287

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

Chigaco, 1893.

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52 ART AND HANDICRAFT 400 B. C. Of her only recorded work, “ The Battle of Issus,” there is a mosaic reproduction at Naples. Anaxandra, daughter of Nealces of Cicyon, lived in Egypt, 200 B. C. Aristarette was the daughter and pupil of Nearchus. She was famed for her portrait of Esculapius. Of the women of our own era, the earliest of whom we have knowl- edge is Margareta Van Eyck, born in 1370, sister and fellow-worker of the master Van Eyck; and somewhere it is written how she helped to perfect the method of painting with oils. Of her work there is here and there in the world somewhat for the curious expert to discover. In the National Gallery of London we may see a Madonna and Child by Margareta, and, most interesting of all, the famous Bedford Missal, now in the Bibliotlieque Nationale at Paris. Among the women of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, we have Saint Catherine of Bologna, the beauty of whose life was equaled by the beauty of her missal painting, and Maria de Abarca, a distinguished portrait painter, even at a time when the Master of Madrid raised Spanish art to its highest. Sophonisba Angosciolo of Cremona was another celebrated portrait and genre painter. She was invited to Spain by Philip II., the great art patron of his time. She painted the portrait of Queen Isabella to the entire satisfaction of Pius IV., to whom the kino; presented it. Her pictures are to be found in many collections, and her portraits of herself show her to have been botli beautiful and clever. Mention should be made of Artemisia Gentileschi, Catherine Ginassi, Paladini, Teodora Danti, Coriolano, Veronica Fontana, Snor Plantilia Nelli (whom Vasari extols), Diana Ghisi, Isabella Parasole, Agnese Dolci (daughter of Carlo Dolci), and Elizabetta Sirani, whose beautiful Madonna and Child is one of the treasures of the gallery at Bologna. Looking from the south to the north, we find Sabina Stienbach. What a proud moment it must have been for her when, the master Dürer purchased from her a plattlein illuminirt, ein salvator-— “which was a wonder.” Maria Merian was also a German. Her miniatures have seldom been equaled for beauty and delicacy of color. In the British Museum are two volumes containing her drawings of insects and plants, which were purchased by Sir Hans Sloane for five guineas a drawing.