Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building
of the World's Columbian Exposition

Forfatter: Maud Howe Elliott

År: 1893

Forlag: Goupil & Co.

Sted: Paris and New York

Sider: 287

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

Chigaco, 1893.

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IN THE WOMAN’S BUILDING. 77 BOOK COVER. Sarah W. Whitman. United States. engraver John Thompson. Most of our women engravers in this country (and we have many) have sometime been students in a class started by the Cooper Institute about twenty years ago. Engraving has been taught at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts also. The Cooper lias dis- continued the department of wood engrav- ing until the future of the art is assured. Among the women well worth men- tioning for exceptional technical skill are Miss Caroline A. Powell, a former student of the Cooper, and pupil of Timothy Cole. A volume issued by the Society of Ameri- can Wood Engravers contains fine exam- pies of Miss Powell’s work. This book was awarded the grand prize at the Berlin International Exposition of Fine Arts. She was the first woman admitted to membership in this society. Since then, the names of Anna B. Comstock and Edith Cooper have been added. To Miss Powell’s earlier achievements she has added some original work. Mrs. Comstock, the wife of the professor of entomology at Cornell, lias made a specialty of engraving moths, beet- les, etc., to illustrate her husband’s books. Her work in this direction is remarkable. Edith Cooper is well known to lovers of wood en- graving through the pages of the magazines. Alice Barber Stev- ens, before she became prominent as an illus- trator, did some good wood engraving. Miss Waldeyer ex- cels in fac-simile. We EMBROIDERED VELLUM FRAME. Boston Society of Decorative Art.