The Great Bore
A Souvenir Of The Hoosac Tunnel

Forfatter: J.L. Harrison

År: 1891

Forlag: Advance Job Print Works

Sted: North Adams

Sider: 74

UDK: 624.19

A History Of The Tunnel, With Sketches Of North Adams, Its Vicinity And Drives; Williams-Town And Mount Greylock

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43 Adams manufacturing company’s, at Braytonville, and the S. Blackinton company’s, at Blackinton, together employing 725 operatives, producing each year 1,000,000 yards of goods, cassimci 5, c ic\ 10 s and worsteds, and with an aggregate annual pay-roll of $216,000; . . ... Two print-works,-the Arnold print-works four cloth-mills, the North Pownal, Williamstown, Beaver and Eclipse mills, and the Freeman manu- facturing company, distributing annua y < among their 2,970 employeesanci every year wea ing and printing 100,000,000 yards of cloth; Two gingham mills,-the Johnson manufacturing company’s and the Greylock manufacturing com- pany’s, employing 725 hands at a yearly cost ot $240,000 and producing annually 6,000,000 > ai c. ginghams; Six shoe shops,- the C. T. Sampson manufactur- ing company’s, where, in 1869, Mr Sampson w>th characteristic boldness, closed the doors of hlfac tory agaiMt striking Cnspm^d pu «1 .P^,^ Chinese workmen; H. 1. Cady , • Canedy & Wilkinson's and the two shops ° — Cady & Co., employing (not inducing W. G. Cady & Co. factory) 1,400 operati -, • monthly pay-roll of S56.«» and producing 6,15° cases of shoes per month.