The Great Bore
A Souvenir Of The Hoosac Tunnel

Forfatter: J.L. Harrison

År: 1891

Forlag: Advance Job Print Works

Sted: North Adams

Sider: 74

UDK: 624.19

A History Of The Tunnel, With Sketches Of North Adams, Its Vicinity And Drives; Williams-Town And Mount Greylock

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Side af 88 Forrige Næste
68 A little north of President Carter’s residence (reached by Park street) is Mission park, the birth- place of the American Board of Foreign Missions. Almost in the center of the park a marble shaft marks the spot where, in 1806, Samuel J. Mills and bis companions met and consecrated themselves to the work of foreign missions. In the north-east cor- ner of the park is the college cemetery, where re- pose the remains of Dr. Hopkins, Dr. Paul A. Chad- bourne and many professors and students of the college. Weston field, the college base-ball, foot-ball and athletic ground, is situated south of the main group of college buildings. When Colonel Ephraim Williams macle his will in Albany, on July 22, 1755, on 11 is way to join General Johnson at Lake George, the foundation of Williams college was laid. The sum he bequeathed was grad- ually increased until finally, in 1790, the walls of West college were erected and a fund placed at in- terest to assist in maintaining the school, which at first consisted of a grammar and an English free school, under the presidency of Ebenezer Fitch. In 1793 the school became a college and 011 Sep- tember 2, 1795, the first class, numbering four mem- bers, was graduated. Since that time the college has steadily advanced, its true, sturdy character