Dansk Handelsleksikon
Handelsret, Handelsudtryk, Valuta, Bank, Børs, Forsikring, Aktievæsen, Handel, i alle Former og Varer
Forfatter: Charles V. Nielsen
År: 1920
Forlag: G. E. C. Gads Forlag
Sted: København
Sider: 946
UDK: 38(03)
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nent parts. Forstillinger og Ammunitions-
kasser og Dele deraf.
Lithium. (See »Strontium.«). Lithium.
Lubricants. Smøremidler.
Machines. (See »Lathes.«) Maskiner.
Manganese and manganese ore. Mangan og
Manganese dioxide. Brunsten.
Maps and plans of any place within the terri-
tory of any belligerent, or within the area
of military operations, on a scale of 4
miles to 1 inch or any larger scale, and
reproductions on any scale, by photo-
graphy or otherwise, of such maps or
plans. Kort og Planer af et hvilket som
helst Sted indenfor nogen krigsførende
Magts Territorium, eller indenfor det mili-
tære Operationsfelt, i Maalestok 4 eng.
Mil : 1 Tomme, eller i nogen større Maale-
stok, og Reproduktioner i en hvilken som
helst Maalestok, fotografiske eller andre,
af saadanne Kort eller Planer.
Mercury. Kvægsølv. S'
Metallic suplhites and thiosulphates.jrSul-
fiter og Thiosulfater. F \
Mineral oils, including benzine and nKtor-
spirit. Mineralolier, inkl. Benzin og Mo-
Molybdenum and molybdenite. Molybdæn
og Molybdænglans.
Monazite sand. Monazitsand.
Motor-spirit. (See »Mineral Oils.«) Motorsprit.
Motor vehicles of all kinds, and their com-
ponent parts and accessories. Motorkøre-
tøjer af enhver Art, Dele deraf og Til-
behør dertil.
Naphtha. (See »Solvent Naphtha.«) Nafta.
Naphthalene and its mixtures and deriva-
tives. Naftalin samt Blandinger og Deri-
vater deraf.
Negotiable instruments. (See »Gold.«) Om-
Nickel and its alloys, salts, compounds and
ores. Nikkel samt Legeringer, Salte og
Forbindelser deraf, Nikkelmalme.
Nitrates of all kinds. Nitrater (salpetersure
Salte) af enhver Art.
Nitric acid. Salpetersyre.
Oleum. (See »Sulphuric Acid.«) Oleum.
Orders. (See »Gold.«) Anvisninger.
Osmium and its alloys and compounds. Osmi-
um samt Legeringer og Forbindelser deraf.
Oxalic acid and oxalates. Oxalsyre og Oxal-
ater (oxalsure Salte).
Palladium and its alloys and compounds.
Palladium samt Legeringer og Forbindel-
ser deraf.
Paper-money. (See »Gold.«) Seddelpenge.
Peppers. Peber.
Phenates. Fenolater.
Phenol (carbolic acid) and its mixtures and
derivatives. Fenol (Karbolsyre) samt
Blandinger og Derivater deraf.
Phosgene (Carbonyl Chloride). Fosgen (Kar-
Phosphorus and its compounds. Fosfor og
Photographic films, plates, and paper, sen-
sitised. Præparerede fotografiske Films,
Plader og Papir.
Pitch. Beg.
Platinum and its alloys and compounds.
Platin samt Legeringer og Forbindelser
Potassium salts. foUiumsalte.
Powder specially prepared for use in war.
Krudt, som .ér specielt fremstillet til
Projectiles^ „øjwtrges, cartridges, and grenades
of all kinds, and their component parts.
Projektiler, Ladninger dertil, Patroner og
Granater af enhver Art, og Dele deraf.
Prussiate of soda. Natriumferro- og ferri-
Quebracho wood. (See »Tanning substances.«)
Quillaia bark. Quillajabark.
Ramie. Ramie.
Rangefinders and their component parts.
Afstandsmaalere og Dele deraf.
Rattans. Spanskrør.
Resinous products. Harpiksprodukter.
Rhodium and its alloys and compounds.
Rhodium samt Legeringer og Forbindel-
ser deraf.
Rubber (including raw, waste, and reclaimed
rubber, solutions and jellies containing
rubber, and any other preparations con-
taining balata and guttapercha, and the
following varieties of rubber, viz.: Borneo,
Guayule, Jelutong, Palembang, Pontianac,
and all other substances containing caout-
chouc), and goods made wholly or partly
of rubber. Kautsjuk (inkl. Raakautsjuk,