The Principles of Scientific Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1919

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 144

UDK: 658.01 Tay

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FUNDAMENTALS OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 15 The elimination of “soldiering” and of the several causes of slow working would so lower the cost of production that both our home and foreign markets would be greatly enlarged, and we could compete on more than even terms with our rivals. It would remove one of the fundamental causes for dull times, for lack of employment, and for poverty, and there- fore would have a more permanent and far-reaching effect upon these misfortunes than any of the cura- tive remedies that are now being used to soften their consequences. It would insure higher wages and make shorter working hours and better working and home conditions possible. Why is it, then, in the face of the self-evident fact that maximum prosperity can exist only as the result of the determined effort of each workman to turn out each day his largest possible day’s work, that the great majority of our men are deliberately doing just the opposite, and that even when the men have the best of intentions their work is in most cases far from efficient? There are three causes for this condition, which may be briefly summarized as: First. The fallacy, which has from time imme- morial been almost universal among workmen, that a material increase in the output of each man or each machine in the trade would result in the end in throwing a large number of men out of work. Second. The defective systems of management which are in common use, and which make it neces- sary for each workman to soldier, or work slowly,