The Principles of Scientific Management
Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor
År: 1919
Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers
Sted: New York and London
Sider: 144
UDK: 658.01 Tay
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of nearly thirty years. And during this time the
employés of one company after another, including a
large range and diversity of industries, have grad-
ually changed from the ordinary to the scientific
type of management. At least 50,000 workmen in
the United States are now employed under this
system; and they are receiving from 30 per cent,
to 100 per cent, higher wages daily than are paid
to men of similar caliber with whom they are sur-
rounded, while the companies employing them are
more prosperous than ever before. In these com-
panies the output, per man and per machine, has
on an average been doubled. During all these
years there has never been a single strike among
the men working under this system. In place of
the suspicious watchfulness and the more or less
open warfare which characterizes the ordinary types
of management, there is universally friendly cooper-
ation between the management and the men.
Several papers have been written, describing the
expedients which have been adopted and the details
which have been developed under scientific manage-
ment and the steps to be taken in changing from
the ordinary to the scientific type. But iinfortu-
nately most of the readers of these papers have
mistaken the mechanism for the true essence. Sci-
entific management fundamentally consists of certain
broad general principles, a certain philosophy, which
can be applied in many ways, and a description of
what any one man or men may believe to be the
best mechanism for applying these general principles