The Locomotive Of Today

År: 1904

Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited

Sted: London

Udgave: 3

Sider: 180

UDK: 621.132

Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.

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CONTENTS. SECTION I.—The Boiler. Firebox, Barre!, Steam Dorne, Lagging, Joints, Rivets, Stays, Palm Stays, Longitudinal Stays, Belpaire Firebox, Stiffening Rings, Firehole Joints, Firedoors, Air Deflect- ing Plates, Tubes, Tube Ends and Materials, Serve Tubes, Evaporative Power, Heating Surface, Brick Arch, Circulation of Water, Firebars, Rocking Grates, Air Jets, Ashpan, Smokebox, Steam Pipe, Extended Smokebox, Chimney, Formation of Scale, Biast Pipes, Variable Biast Pipes, Petticoat Pipes, Blowers, Capacity of Boiler, Regulators, Priming, Safety Valves, Pressure Gauges, Water Gauge Columns, Test Cocks, Fusible Plugs, Blow-off, Injector, Steam and Blower Cocks, Whistles, Feed Pumps and Injectors, Exhaust Injectors, Fuels, Combustion, Firing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 7—62 SECTION II.—The Engine. Cylinders, Ports, Stuffing Boxes, Drain Cocks, Pistons, Piston Rings, Piston Rods, Metallic Packing, Tail Rods, Slide Bars, Crossheads, Connecting Rods, Connecting Rod Ends, Slide Valves, Valve Buckles, Piston Valves, Lap, Lead and Action of Slide Valves, Valve Gear, Fork and Link Motions, Shifting Link Motion, Links, Eccentric Rods, Intermediate Valve Spindles, Stationary Link Motion, Straight Link Motion, Motion Details, Valve Setting, Joy’s Valve Gear, Hackworth’s Gear, Walschaert’s Gear, Morton’s Gear, Reversing Lever Rod and Screw, Steam Reversing Gear, Steam in the Cylinder, Cut off . . . . . . . . . . Pages 63—117 SECTION III.—The Framing, Wheels, etc. Frames, Stays, Foot- plates, Bar Frames, Hornblocks,Axleboxes,Wheels,BalanceWeights, Tyres, Axles, Crank Axles, Journals, Coupling Rods, Springs, Compensating Beams, Bogies, Bissel Truck, Radial Axleboxes, Sanding Gear, Buffers, Couplings, Lubricators. . Pages 118—158 SECTION IV.—The Tender, Brakes, etc. Frames, Springs, Couplings, Water Tank, Coal Space, Spring Gear, Feed Pipes, Lamp Irons, Water Scoops, Water Scoop Gear, Brake Gear, Brake Blocks, Steam Brake, Condensing Arrangements, Double Engines, Rack Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 159—178 SECTION V.—Examples from Modern Practice. Four-Coupled Bogie Express Engine, L. & Y. R. Eight-Coupled Compound Goods Engine, L. & N. W. R. Single Bogie Express, G. N. R. Four-Coupled Bogie Express Engine, Pennsylvania R.R. Four- Coupled Bogie Express, Belgian State Rys. Four-Coupled Three- Cylinder Compound Express Engine, Midland Ry. Four-Coupled “Atlantic” type Express Engine, Great Central Ry. Six-Coupled Goods Engine, Furness Ry. Six-Coupled Bogie Goods Engine, G. W. R. Consolidation Compound Goods Engine, Austrian Southern Ry. Four-Coupled Bogie Side Tank Engine, G.E.R. Four-Coupled Double End Side Tank Engine, Barry Ry. Ten Wheeled Four-Coupled Bogie Side Tank Engine, G. N. R. Six- Coupled Saddle Tank Engine, Metropolitan Ry. Six-Coupled Radial Side Tank Engine, L. & N. W. R., and Eight-Coupled Tank Engine, G. N. R. . . . . . . . . Pages 179 —194