The Locomotive Of Today

År: 1904

Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited

Sted: London

Udgave: 3

Sider: 180

UDK: 621.132

Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.

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Fig. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. Modem locomotive boiler 2. Locomotive boiler stays .. 3. Belpaire firebox .. 4. Firedoors, tubes and foundation ring joints 5. Smokebox, chimneys and ashpans 6. Biast pipes and steam blowers .. 7. Regulators 8. Safety valves and pressure gauges 9. Water gauges, check valves, whistles, etc. 10. Water injectors .. 11. Exhaust steam injector .. 12. Combustion diagram 13. Inside Cylinders .. 13A . Outside Cylinders 15. Pistons, rods and stuffing boxes 16. Crossheads 17. Connecting rod ends 18. Slide and piston valves .. 19. Stephenson or shifting link motion 20. Gooch or stationary link motion 21. Allan or straight link motion .. 22. Joy’s valve gear .. 23. Walschaerts’ valve gear .. 24. Reversing gear arrangements .. 25. Framing for single bogie engine 26. Bar framing for American engine 27. Homblocks, axleboxes, etc. 28. Wheels, axles, etc. 29. Springs and gear .. 30. Four-wheeled bogie 31. Bissel truck and radial axleboxes 32. Sanding gear, buffers, etc. 33. Lubricators 34. Six-wheeled tender 35. Tender details 36. Water pick up and details 37. Engine brake arrangement 38. Condensing arrangement for tank engine PAGE 8 12 24 30 34 4° 46 50 54 60 64 68 70 74 78 82 90 94 90 102 108 110 118 122 126 13° 138 142 146 150 154 160 164 166 I7° 174 PLATES. I. Express engine, Lancashire 8c Yorkshire Ry- (frontispiece). II. Mineral engine, L. & N. W. Ry. (frontispiece). III. Single express engine, G. N. Ry. IV. Four-coupled express engine, Pennsylvania Ry. V. ,, ,, >> Belgian State Rys. VI 3-cylinder compound, Midland Ry. VII. , ,, >, G-reat Central Ry. VIII. Six-coupled goods engine, Furness Ry. IX. „ „ „ G- W. Ry. X. Eight-coupled compound, Austrian Southern Ry. XI. Four-coupled tank engine, G. E. Ry. XII. „ ,, „ Barry Ry. XIII. ,, ,, „ G- N. Ry. XIV. Six-coupled tank engine, Metropolitan Ry. XV. ,, ,, ,, L- & N. W. Ry. XVI. Eight-coupled tank engine, G. N. Ry. WORKING DRAWINGS. 1. General arrangement of express engine, G N.R. 11. Cross section through cylinders. 111. ,, ,, firebox.