The Locomotive Of Today

År: 1904

Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited

Sted: London

Udgave: 3

Sider: 180

UDK: 621.132

Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.

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Side af 226 Forrige Næste
INDEX. PAGE Oil Cups............... 155, 156 Outside Cylinders .. .. 67 Packing • • 71 Pedestals .. .. 123 Petroleum Fuel .. •• 56 Petticoat Pipes .. •• 32 Pistons .. 68 Piston Rings .. 69 ,, Rods 69, 71 ,, Valves 84, »S Plate Frames .. 119 Pop Safety Valves .. 43 Ports 67 Pressure Gauges .. •• 44 Priming 38, 116 Protector, Water Gauge.. •• 45 Pumps 176 Quadrant Block .. .. 92,95 Rack-rail Engines .. 178 Radial Box •• 147 Radius Rod •• 95 Ramsbottom Safety Valves • • 39 Regulator .. •• 35 ,, Valve • • 37 Release Valves .. 86 Relief ,, .. 84 Reversing Gear .. .. ni ,, ,, Air .. 113 ,, ,, Steam .. n3> u4 ,, Levers .. in, 113 „ Rod .. 112 ,, Screws,. «. 112, 113 Rivetted Joints .. 9 Rocker • • 93 Rocking Grate • • 23 Roof Bolts .. 13 Roscoe Lubricator • • 157 Rubber Blocks .. 161 Saddle Pins .....................91 Saddle Tanks .. .. .. 159 Safety Valves ...................38 Salter’s Spring Balance .. .. 41 Sanding Gear .. .. .. H9 Sand Box .. .. •• •. 149 ,, Ejector .. . • .. 151 „ Valve .......................149 Sandwich Frames .. .. 119 Scale .. •. • • • • 27 Schaeffer Gauge .. .. .. 44 PAGE Screw Couplings .. .. 153 Serve Tubes 20 Shackles .. .. 153 Shifting Link 88, 89 Sight Feed Lubricators 157, !58 Slide Bars • • 73 ,, Valves 78« 83 Small Ends 75, 76, 80, 81 Smokebox .. 7» 25 Spark Arresters .. . .. 26 Splashers .. .. 119 Spokes .. 131 Spring Buckle .. 139 Springs 137, i65, i67 ,, Laminated 137, i4° Stationary Link Motion 88, 93 Stays, Copper 10, 11 ,, Crown 13 ,, Girder .. 13 „ Longitudinal .. 15 ,, Palm .. 15 Steam Brakes • • 173 ,, Chests .. 65 ,, Passages .. .. 65 ,, Pipe 26,37 ,, Reversing Gear 112, 113 ,, Sanding ,, .. 151 Stiftening Ring .. 16 Strainers .. 162 Straight Axles • • 134 Straight Link Motion • • 97 Stuffing Boxes .. 66, 67 Suspension Links., 9i,95 Swing ,, .. .. 147 Tail Rods .. Tank Engines Tender ,, Coupling .. ,, Axle Boxes Test Cocks Throat PI ate Throw of Eccentric Tool Cupboard .. Trick Valves Trimmings Tube Ferrules ,, Plate Tubes „ Evaporative Power Tyres Tyie Fastenings .. • • 73 .. 159 159, 161 121 .. 163 • • 47 9 • • 91 .. 1O2 • • «3 • • >55 .. 20 9 19 20 132 132. 133 Valves, Balanced .. .. 83 ,, Regulator.. .. .. 37 ,, Safety .. .. .. 38 ,, Slide .. .. 7&> ^3 ,, Trick .. .. .. 8 14