The Locomotive Of Today
År: 1904
Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited
Sted: London
Udgave: 3
Sider: 180
UDK: 621.132
Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.
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The Boiler: Safety Valves.
balance types and the direct loaded. In the valve
curved lever was introduced, so arranged t spring-
lifted the joint of the lever, where connechon wh the^p
was made, approached the fulcrum, thus ten g
load constant. On the German railways, where a sp^
balance is used, a jointed connec ion moj|^cation of the
springs, which are here in compression, and a l endosc
casinfs. The valves themselves are of a pecu har design, they
are double, with a sliding cone and a piped in
distance into the boiler, this is open at the lower end, ^an
free communication with the boil I • ’ pressure
i <-!->« vnh'p qpatine’. When the steam prc^uic
mternal cone is the \ alve seau g valves by its action
rises higher than that reqmred,14 llfts val Qf. yalve>
through the mternal pipe on the und • seatinff;
regularly.^ anQther valve designed to over-
äst- “s s?=
than other spring loaded valves. I he Part^u steam,
s ä ää:aas »ää
surrounds it, and takes a seat on the cæ ~ s ,
area on which the steam pressure can the boiler. A
lift suddenly, and instantaneously reliex , nrovision of a
exääsä ““r'cis