The Locomotive Of Today
År: 1904
Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited
Sted: London
Udgave: 3
Sider: 180
UDK: 621.132
Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.
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The Boiler: Injectors.
clack should be leaky. It is no doubt owing to the simplicitv
and general adaptability of this injector, for it can be adjusted
longUinafa”ourany °f **“* * haS SUrvived s°
r . ,If ab°ve-described injector should “fly off” as it is
iable to do when the engine is passing over points or cross-
nf lf S1top1ped sV-ddenly, and the continuity of the stream
of water js broken, the steam and water must be shut off, and
the injector re-started. lo overcome this disadvantage, manv
h theSi^rt en ‘'T'1' Among the best known of these
s the mjector made by Messrs. Gresham & Graven, in which
vXnb"’'nti C°ne 1S prov!ded with a movable portion, which,
at thA mjector stops, moves and allows the pressure to escape
verflow; when so reheved the steam jet forces it back,
‘ d lnJector starts agam, without any external regulation
whence the name “ re-starting ” to this class of injector. One
orm is shown at B in three sections; it is called the “ com-
mation mjector, because in one fitting are ^rouped the
steam cock, water regulating cock, warming cock, and ston
valve, with all necessary handles for controlling them. The
steam is brought to it from the dorne, as is necessary for all
injectors, and the delivery pipe is carried in through the back
botlpr °or1the to.p.of the firebox towards the front of the
th/v? ki" °ne,J°lnt 1S made on the boiler; steam enters
t ie lowerhole and passes up the centre of the cones, which
are arranged m the opposite direction to those in the last
. ample> that is with the steam cone lowest, water and com-
bimng cones and movable valve next, and the delivery cone
uppermost; the three first mentioned are diminishing cones
and the latter an enlarging one. When necessary to examine
toPnLhS Pæs^ure’ the stoP valve may be screwed home
enable this to be done, lo warm the feed water the cock
the overflow pipe must be closed, and the water valves
openecl, the steam then blows through to the tanks.
iniPef116 *?rinCXle °f this re’starting device is applied to
jectors placed honzontally as well as vertically, with equally
satistactory results. y
. r4not^r weli-known form is shown in vertical section
at C in which the steam enters at the right-hand cone, water
} e coc shown next, both enter the combining cone, and
pass together across the overflow gap into the receiving- cone
uPYards’ hftmg the back pressure valve, and along’
“ i C ” - ve^y piPe- lhe pnnciple on which this injector
iJeppartSf k that of the “flaP nozzle.” The combining cone
% 1 be Spllt axiall.y> and hinged at the largest end •
w en the stream of water is broken, as before, by jolts, etc/