The Locomotive Of Today

År: 1904

Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited

Sted: London

Udgave: 3

Sider: 180

UDK: 621.132

Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.

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62 1HE BoiLER: Firing. »SS* ■ S® ^Ä\ÄÄ the hydrogen takes up its proper amount of oxyg-en and forms water vapour, causing the carbon to mix with onty one atom dLseysgmokP°If?hnly half r'r,'Per am0Unt> and ‘o Svi °off cicnse smokeif the air supply is not large enouo-h or if the air y ls sufficient then it will be found much too great shortlv onlvX bhen the ',ighter gases have a11 escafed leavW only the carbon, or coke behincl. ” ® ^eneS^irectTon^oftlS *2’ sh?ws’ ln a graphic manner, the ,£ral dl.rection of the gases in a locomotive boiler, workino- under ordinary runmng conditions, the biast from the exhaust pipe, up the chimney, draws from the smokebox a portion of its contents; to supply the partial vacuum so causeT X ak rushes m at the damper and firehole, that throuyh the formpr passag through the fuel and supplyi’ng the oXn requiTite for combustion, and that through the latter rSulated tn chemically saturate those gases that have not been able to obtain their proper equivalent through the damper.