Britain at Work
A Pictorial Description of Our National Industries

År: 1902

Forlag: Cassell and Company, Limited

Sted: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne

Sider: 384

UDK: 338(42) Bri

Illustrated from photographes, etc.

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______ ______________ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ____ Launch of a Battleship from Devonport Dock- page yard , Frontispiece The Building of a Battleship:— An Early Stage in the Construction of a Battleship . 5 View from the Bow of a Battleship during Construction . 6 Bird’s-eye View of the Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding Yard, showing Two Warships under Construction . 7 Reatly to be Launched , . • . • . , , 8 Stern showing Barbette. Putting on the Armour . . g Hoisting Boilers into a Man-of-War .... 10 Ready for Orders . ___________________________ The Manufacture of Iron and Steel [continued): - 'I’he Nasmyth Hammer at Work . . . . . Rolling Steel Rails ___________________________...... Armour-Plate Machine at Work ’ Bending Press . . ’ . A Consignment of Armour leaving Cyclops Works, Sheffield Water Douchfe for 'Hardening Steel Armour . Boot and Shoe Making:-- PAGE 49 49 So 51 'Preparing the Land :— Ploughing with Oxen in Sussex • . • , . . .12 “ Whoa, Steady! ” . . . • . • . . . .13 Harrowing and Sowing__________________________j, Ploughing . __................................. Manuring the Land on an Essex Farm .... 15 Rolling, Sowing, and Harrowing __________________.... iö Sowing with the Drill . ____________________17 Burning Weeds . . ... . . .17 Sawyer Leather-measuring Machine In the Cutting-out Room : “ Clickers ” at Work In the “ Closing ” Department ■ . . A Busy Scene in the “ Bottoming ” Department Working the Reece Buttonhole Machine Hand-Method Lasting Machine In the Finishing Room ___________________.... Edge Setter at Work . . . . Tying-up Machine .. . . . . 52 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 57 Ireland’s Chief Industry. The Manufacture of Linen :— Beaming the Warp Yarn______________________18 Winding the Warp Yarn______________________1g Toweland Diaper Weaving _____________________..... ig Cutting Shirts and Collars ______________________..... 20 An Ulster Bleach Green ________________________20 Stitching-Gentlemen’s Shirts______________________21 The Washing Department______________________21 Ironing Department __________________________...... 22 Hand-Loom Weaving Heavy-Linen Sheeting 150 inches wide......................................... j Irish Peasant Woman at Work Embroidering Linen . 24 Britain’s Underground Wealth ; " How Coal is Brought from the Pit to Workshop and Fireside”:— • A Moment’s Chat by the Way Hewer at Work .... Pit Boys Guiding Trucks At the Bottom of the Shaft Pit-Brow Lassies Cleaning Coal At the Pit Mouth Collier Fleet Loading at Sunderland Coaling a Liner .... Coal Cart_________________ 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 The Manufacture of Tobacco, Cigars, and Cigarettes ;— Stripping Tobacco ■ . . ... Cutting Tobacco . . . ... Drying Tobacco______________________ Cigar Makers at Work . Making “ Navy Cut ” Tobacco __________________.... Making Roll Tobacco ______________________..... Packeting Machine Room ■__________________ Cigarette Making__________________________ 32 33 33 35 36 36 The Malting Industry :— A Maltster s ______________________..... Arrival of a Consignment of Barley. . . . How the Barley Arrives by Rail A “ Steep ”_______________________________ ‘‘ Ploughing” and “ Turning” after “ Ploughing’ . Screening Malt . Shipping Malt _______________________________....... A Cartload of Harley . ■ , ■ . 1 he Manufacture of Iron and Steel:— J’last h urnaces, Derwent Iron and Steel Works Platform of Steel Melting Furnaces . . . . ■Bessemer Casting Pit A Range of Carburising Furnaces . . . . Teeming Steel from Ladle .... 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 45 40 The Aberdeen Granite HdusYry :— ’ Rubislaw Granite Quarry, Aberdeen . . . . A 7-ton Block'of Granite at the Dressing Shed How the Granite is Polished . . . ’ Pneumatic Carving Tools being Applied to a Celtic Cross of Grey Granite__________________ Turning a Granite Column Setting Up a Granite Monument ■ . . . . The Sea Fisheries of Great Britain Fishing Boats Going Out__________________ Steam Trawler with Trawl Down . ' ' ’ ’ Emptying the 'Net .... A Catch__________________ Ferrying Fish from Trawler to Carrier : An Accident ’ 1* ish Carrier Bound for Market Boats Coming Up to Pift Fish on Carrier . '. A Big Bag of Fish . Tugging in a Disabled Trawler ’ ’ A Gigantic Catch of Fish : Gutting Fish in the Street Scotch Women Cleaning Fish, Aberdeen . . ’ The Pottery Workers A Busy Scene in the Glost Kiln Yards . . . . Milling and Pugging Clay “ Throwing", . . __ In the Modelling Room Pressing __________________.... Making Plates and Saucers .... Making I oilet, Dinner, and Fancy Ware Printing and Transferring __________________.... Glazing : The Dipping 1'ubs . . . ... Decorating (Hand Painting) . finished Goods in the Warehouse .... Work on a Seed Farm :— Five Miles of Pea Trials_______________________ Cutting Cabbages for Seeding Purposes . Selecting.Turnip Roots for Seed . . . . , ’ Stacking Mangolds________________ ’ ’ i. A Stack of Carter’s Delicatesse Radish. 11. Growing Tomatoes for Seed. in. A Field of Dwarf Sweet Peas. IV. Bagging Clover Seed . A Field of Onions Growing for Seed Women Hand-picking Peas A House jof Suttons.’Primulas at Reading ' Selecting Martows for Seed Purposes Selecting Corn for Seed . . . . ’ ’ ’ The Straw Hat Trade :— Straw Plait Room Machining Straw Hats . Blocking Straw Hats .... In a Straw Hat Show-Room George Street, Luton : Cases of Goods Waiting for Col- lection ■ , ___________________________...... Empties ” in the Great Northern Railway Goods Yard Luton_________________________ Bute Street, Luton.................. 58 59 61 61 62 63 64 64 66 66 67 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 72 73 73 74 75 75 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 80 81 82 82 83 84 «5 «5 86 87 88 88