Britain at Work
A Pictorial Description of Our National Industries

År: 1902

Forlag: Cassell and Company, Limited

Sted: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne

Sider: 384

UDK: 338(42) Bri

Illustrated from photographes, etc.

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____________ ______________________________________________________ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. __________________ ____________________ vii Women Toilers in the Black Country Nailmakers at Work Wdæen Making Retorts .... Women Brickmakers at Work. Women Brickmakers Loading Barges , {continued)page • 194 • 195 • 197 . 198 Bee Farming: An Interesting Cottage dustry Bee Farming: Showing the Hives .... Dipping Boards in Molten Wax . . . , Indenting the Wax Strips . Using the “Smoker” . . . ’ Examining a Hive of Bees Taking a Swarm of Bees__________________ The Honey Extractor __________________.... The Production of a Newspaper In the Sub-Editors Room, Daily News Office. The Linotype Room, Daily Telegraph Office . . Type-setting by Hand, Morning Post Office . I ne Times Stereotyping Room .... Printing Lloyd's Newspaper ’ The Publishing Office of the Dfiilv Express . ' Loading a Newspaper Train . " . 1 he Manufacture of Mustard ano Starch The Mustard Harvest .... Mustard Oil Press__________________ Sifting Mustard______________________ Boys Making Mustard Tins__________________ Girls Filling Penny Tins of Mustard , Interior of Starch House__________________’ Making Starch Boxes ______________________..... Filling Starch Boxes ____________________ Firemen of the British Isles:— Firemen at Drill: Dropping into the Sheet Rescue Drill at Headquarters __________________.... A Typical London Fireman __________________.... Off to a New Station Headquarters of the London Fire Brigade Presentation of Medals to Firemen . , London County Council’s Fire Float Alpha . The Making of Big Guns:— Hydraulic Forging Press . ... Forging a Gun Tube . . . Rough-turning a Gun Barrel in Turning Machine Wiring a Big Gun__________________ The Great Crane at Woolwich A Wired Gun Placed in Position for Rifling . After Barbette of H.M.S. Camperdown: Showing 67-ton Guns and Machine Guns . How Money is Coined: A Visit to the Royal Mint lN- • 199 • 199 . 200 . 200 . 201 . 202 • 203 . 204 ■ 2Ö5 . 20b . 207 . 208 . 209 211 214 215 216 217 219 219 223 229 230 231 The Gold Melting Room . Rolling Fillets . Marking Machine Coining Presses The Annealing Room The Counting Machine The Weighing Room 232 233 233 234 234 235 236 The Making of Lace : One of the Most Intricate of Britain’s Industries :— An Irish Lace Class, Ardara _______________________..... Devonshire Lace Makers___________________________ Draughtsmen at Work : Designing Lace Curtains . A Lace Machine _______________________________....... Bleaching........................................ Dressing________________________________________ Lace “ Menders ” at Work_______________________ Soap Making:— • he Laboratory at Port Sunlight (Messrs. Lever Brothers’ Works) . . . . , Views of the Wharf, Port Sunlight . . . . . Soap Boiling Room ________________________________....... Soap Cooling Room ________________________________....... Stamping Toilet Soap____________________ . prying Soap in Bars___________________________ Packing Soap _______________________..... Markets oe the Metropolis:— At Billingsgate Market . . .... ,':‘lr,y Morning at Billingsgate _______________________..... ie briday Market: An Interesting Feature of the Metropolitan Cattle Market, Islington 237 238 239 241 242 243 243 244 24S 246 247 248 248 249 25O 251 252 Markets of the Metropolis {continued) :— page Smithfield Meat Market _________________________2s;i Leadenhall Market_______________________’ '2^4 Covent Garden Market , . , \ ' 25- With the Railway Signalmen:— Train Boy Booking Trains, London Bridge , . .20 Signal Box “ North Cabin,” London Bridge . . , 2s7 Waterloo “ A ” Signal Box . , . . .258 Clapham Junction at Night . . . ’ ’ 259 Driver and Signalman Exchanging Tallies . 260 Signalling with Flag ... . . . 261 The Furniture Trade:— furniture Designers at Work at Messrs. Waring’s Studio 262 The Machine Room, Greenock Cabinet-Making Co.’s Works_______________________________ 26~ Wood-Carving by Machinery (Messrs. Herrmann’sWorksj 264 Upholsterers at Work at Mr. C. V. Smith’s Factory . 265 Cabinet-Making; Inlaying (Mr J. S, Henry’s Works) 266 Wood-Carving by Hand (Mr. J. S. Henry’s Works) 266 A Busy Scene at Messrs. Shapland and Petter’s Works, Barnstaple...................................267 The Building of Ships:— I he Mould Loft, Messrs. Doxford and Sons’ Yard, Sun- derland . . Midship Framing of an Ocean Liner Bow Framing of an Ocean Liner ’ Riveting Frames and Beams with Pneumatic Tools Riveting Centre Girder of a Turret Vessel Plate Rolls___________________________ Caulking Ship’s Shell with Pneumatic Caulker Drilling Beam Knees with Electric Tools Bending Frames for Turret Vessel ..." Launching a Turret Vessel ' . . . “ , Turret Vessel on Trial Trip ’ Sweetmeat Making :— Sugar-Wafer Making__________________ A Starch Room French Cream Room The Liquorice Room__________________ Chocolate Crushing Machine__________________ Covering Sweets with Chocolate . . . . Packing Boxes with Chocolate__________________ A Great Liner Nearly Ready for Launching at Belfast . I onnpkin/T o T'.. ......a \ T ... _ _ 1 268 269 269 270 271 27r 272 273 273 274 - 275 • 275 . 276 • 277 . 278 . 278 • 279 . 280 . 280 Where Gunpowder is Made:— I he Charcoal Factory : Charging the Cylinders Incorporating Mills . . . . Refining Saltpetre ; The Agitators . The Mill ___________________________....... The Cartridge Factory . . . . Filling Cartridges ____________________..... Packing Gunpowder____________________ Cotton at Port, In Mill, ånd on ’Change. Unloading Cotton in No. 7 Dock, Manchester Ship Canal___________________________ A Cotton-mixing Room ____________________..... Winding Frames____________________ Spinners at Work in a Lancashire Cotton Mill . ' Sizing Room .............................. Weavers at the Looms .... A Weaving Shed ________________.... A Sheeting Weaving Shed . 281 . 282 . 282 . 282 • 283 . 284 • 285 A Barrister’s Clerk . A “ Walk ” Clerk \ \ A Magistrate’s Clerk, Ma rylebone Police Court A Town Clerk (Battersea) • . . . , A Lady Typist at Work________________________ Interior of Booking Office, London Bridge Station . Clerks Stamping Envelopes at Somerset House Lady Clerks at a London Post Office . . - . Clerks at Work in a Shipping Office. . . . . I he Art and “Mystery” of Scene Painting:— A Scene-Painter’s Palette_____________________________ A Scene-Painter at Work_____________________________ Grinding the Colours_____________________________ In a Scene-Painter’s Studio (showing the bridge and the method of raising and lowering it) . . Shifting the Scenes . . ... A Scene-Painter (Mr. Ryan) at Work . . . . A Finished Scene : Mr. Ryan’s Studio . . . . 286 287 288 288 289 291 291 292 293 293 294 295 296 297 298 298 299 300 301 301 302 303 303 304