Britain at Work
A Pictorial Description of Our National Industries

År: 1902

Forlag: Cassell and Company, Limited

Sted: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne

Sider: 384

UDK: 338(42) Bri

Illustrated from photographes, etc.

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PACKING BOXES WITH CHOCOLATE AT MESSRS. FULLER’S. 28O Si life ‘Mm a brief reference to the of chocolate bon-bons and dainties for which Messrs. The cream COVERING SWEETS L— —________——_ WITH CHOCOLATE AT MESSRS. FULLER’S. BRITAIN AT WORK. beneath them, cut into the desired sizes, and then left for a small army of girls to come and envelope piece by piece. Messrs. Mackenzie were responsible for the intro- duction into this country of the milk- chocolate made by Peter, of Swiss renown. Our account of the manufacture of sweets would not be complete without making similar Fuller are responsible. middle part is made first, in the same way as fondants, but the critical part of the process comes with the covering, each little lump of “ cream ” having to be dipped by hand—that is to say, lying on a two-pronged fork held in the hand—into a bath of liquid chocolate: so it is a slow process, especially as unless the chocolate be kept at just the right temperature it refuses to set, or, having set, to attain the correct amount of gloss on its surface. Then, having gained its overcoat, each cream must be laid carefully down on a tray, not too near its neighbour, and the tray when full must stand for several days in an atmosphere of just the right degree of colc1’ I. Brooke Alder.