Britain at Work
A Pictorial Description of Our National Industries

År: 1902

Forlag: Cassell and Company, Limited

Sted: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne

Sider: 384

UDK: 338(42) Bri

Illustrated from photographes, etc.

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BRITAIN AT WORK. CIGARETTE MAKING. authority the number of operatives employed is as follows : England and Wales, 27,638 ; Scotland, 3,399; Ireland, 2,109; total for the United Kingdom, 33,146. Apart from the counties in which are situate the chief cities, the counties in which the industry is most largely carried on are Notts, 3,007 ; Somerset, 2,172 ; and Glouces- ter, 1,339. Flint, Worcestershire, Sussex, and Cambridge are credited with one, two, three, and four tobacco workers respectively. The London census for 1901 records 7,912 workers, of whom 3,238 are male and 4,674 female. Eight trade unions are recognised in England and Wales by the Labour Department of the Board of Trade, the largest being the Cigar Makers’ Mutual Association, which was founded in 1832. Its membership is 1,309 males and 887 females. The Female Cigar Makers’ Protec- tive Union, formed in the Jubilee year, has a present membership of 1,290. It is estimated that the consumption in the United Kingdom per head of the popula- tion has doubled during the last half century, from 16-3 oz. in 1851 to 32’25 oz. in 1901. In this survey of the tobacco industry no account has been taken of the many sub- sidiary industries connected therewith. These include the manufacture of cigar boxes, cigarette cartoons, the printing of labels, bands, and the like, the manufacture of pipes, clay, meerschaum, briar, and so forth, and the hundred and one appliances which go to make up the attractions of the tobacconist’s shop. The extent of the retail trade is sufficiently shown in the census record for London alone in 1901, which includes 3,812 tobacconists, of whom no less than 894 are of the female sex. v