Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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In this cracking process the stills are heated direct by in-
tense external heat. When the gasolines, kerosenes, and
lighter lubricating oils have been distilled off, there remains
in the still a heavy dark oil full of carbonized matter, in
which many of the lubricating properties originally present
in the heavy hydro-carbons have been destroyed. From
this, various ordinary cylinder oils are produced. The
process necessary to remove the harmful carbon particles,
also removes the best elements of the heavy, rich, hydro-
carbons, so essential to high-grade cylinder oils.
Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W is produced
Manufacture on qUite different lines.
ot Gargoyle First of all, a specially selected crude oil
Cylinder Oil js used jn []ie manufacture of Gargoyle
600 W Cylinder Oil 600 W.
In the vacuum process of distillation, from which the
Vacuum Oil Company takes its name, every operation in-
cluding the final distillation is carried out at temperatures
so moderate that the danger of charring or carbonizing the
oil is entirely removed. The whole process is brought
within the limits of heating by steam instead of heating by
fire. The distillation is at all times under perfect control,
the products, from which Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W is
made, being carefully protected in every stage so that they
retain their full lubricating value.
Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W is a standard product, manu-
factured by standardized methods, according to a standard
formula, from specially selected crude petroleum. It, there-