Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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oil (animal or vegetable oil) are more suitable than straight
mineral cylinder oils. When engines are working with wet
steam the advantage of using a compounded oil becomes
apparent. Great care must, however, be exercised in select-
ing the proper kind of fixed oil. Unsuitable fixed oils, under
the action of steam and high pressure and temperature, de-
compose and develop acids and a gummy residue which
corrode the metal surfaces and produce a sticky, pasty,
deposit which increase friction.
Compounding mineral cylinder oil with the right propor-
tion and quality of fixed oil usually improves its lubricat-
ing properties and better results will be secured than if
straight mineral cylinder oil was used without the admix-
ture of fixed oil. Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W is com-
pounded with the proper amount of acidless tallow oil.
A straight mineral oil, i.e., an oil containing no fixed oil,
is necessary where the subsequent use of the condensed
exhaust steam demands that it be free from oil because
a straight mineral oil separates readily from water. For
such purposes Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W Mineral should
be used.
Loss by Laboratory tests to determine the per cent
Evaporation °! evaPorati°n> when a sample of cylinder
oil is heated to a certain temperature for
a certain time, are of little value in determining the lubri-
cating ( lasting”) properties of a cylinder oil, as these tests
are carried out under atmospheric pressure and under con-
ditions quite different from those met with in actual service.