Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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MOTION STUDY FOK THE CRIPPLED SOLDIER 1 To-day there are several million men living in Europe who have suffered the loss of limbs, facul- ties, or both, as a result of injuries in the great war. Before this war is over this number will be enormously increased. No one who lias not actually seen hundreds of wounded soldiers writh- ing in agony in the cars or hospitals can fully realise the conditions that exist, but the pictures and accounts from the front have been so vivid that the whole world has been aroused to a con- crete expression of sympathy and efforts to al- leviate the immediate suffering. However, there has been, as yet, little or no thought given to the permanent suffering that is by far the most serious aspect of the subject. What is to be done with these millions of crip- ples, when their injuries have been remedied as far as possible, and when they are obliged to become again a part of the working community? i Presented at a meeting of the New York local section of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 131