Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness
Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth
År: 1918
Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 220
UDK: 658.54 Gil
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instruction card, and it is the duty of the speed
boss to see that the machinery runs at all times at
exactly the prescribed speeds. He not only shows
the worker how he can make his machine run at
the speed called for, but, if there is a question as
to its being possible to run at this speed, he must
be prepared to teach the worker by doing the
work himself, or provide a man who can comply
with the requirements of the instruction card.
Repair Boss.— Function No. 9 is that of the re-
pair boss. His duties consist principally in see-
ing that all machines are kept clean and in
proper condition, and in carrying out repairs and
over-haulings, such as are called for on instruc-
tion cards and in standing orders that are given
to him at regular, predetermined intervals. In
this way breakdowns are so far as possible
avoided. The repair boss, however, must be a re-
sourceful man, prepared, in case of emergency
to jump in and repair any such breakdowns as
may occur, even in the absence of precise direc-
tions or of instruction-card specifications.
Inspector.— Function No. 10 is that of the in-
spector. His duties are decidedly different from
those of the inspector under the old type of man-