Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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50 APPLIED MOTION STUDY the more scientific methods of motion study. What, now, are the results of this motion study upon the individual men doing the work, upon the factory group, upon the industrial world, and upon society at large? The men themselves be- come more efficient. They become specialists,— skilled workers. They learn the motion-study method of attack, and are thus more fit to under- take any type of work. They learn to think in elementary motions, and to eliminate waste in every activity of their lives. The increased output of each, individual worker does not result in the employment of less men in the plant. The transference of skill that main- tenance of standards implies, means that many teachers are needed. These come, naturally, from the ranks of the skilled workers. The plan- ning that is necessary is also usually done by workers promoted to the planning department. At present, at least, the demand for men trained under motion study is far larger than the supply; it will be for years to come,— certainly until the increased output results in the increased demand which is its inevitable consequence. The industrial situation is bettered through the