Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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54 APPLIED MOTION STUDY Class A.—Ornamental and exterior face brick and moulded terra cotta. Class B.—Interior face tiers that do not show at completion, where strong, plumb, and straight work only is needed. Class C.—Filling tiers where strength only is needed. Class D.—Putting fountain trowels and brick packs on the wall near the place, and in the man- ner where the other three classes can reach them with greatest economy of motion. Class E.—Pack loaders, brick cullers, and stage builders. The pay of the A and B classes should be con- siderably higher than is customary for bricklay- ers. The pay of the C, D, and E classes should be lower than is customary for bricklayers, but much higher than the pay of labourers. This classification will raise the pay of all five classes higher than they could ever obtain in the classes that they would ordinarily work in under the present system, yet the resulting cost of the la- bour on brickwork would be much less, and each class would be raised in its standing and edu- cated for better work and higher wages.