Katalog over Dansk Ingeniørforenings Bibliotek
Ordnet efter Decimalsystemet

Forfatter: O. Storch, A.G.V. Petersen

År: 1906

Forlag: Trykt hos J. Jørgensen & Co. (M. A. Hannover)

Sted: København

Sider: 39

UDK: 017(489) Dan

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000192

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628, 2. Kloaker. Bestemmelser vedrørende Arbejdets Udførelse ved ud- vendige Afløb for Spildevand og Grundvand paa Grunde i Gjentofte Kommune. English & Hansen. Forslag til et Cloak-Anlæg for Kjøbenhavn. 1854. 628, 3. Kloakvands Behandling. Preliminary reports on the disposal of New-Yorks sewage. I—VII. 1911 —13. Present sanitary condition of New-York harbor and the degree off cleanness which is necessary and sufficient for the water. Report of the Metropolitan sewage commis- sion of New-York. 1912. Report of the Metropolitan sewage Commission of New- York. August i., 1912. Report on sewage disposal. The sanitary district of Chicago. 1911. Royal commission of sewage disposal. Supplementary volumes presented with the fifth report of the commis- sioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage. Pollution of estuaries and tidal waters. 1908. Dunbar, Dr., Leitfaden für die Abwasserreinigungsfrage. 1912. Hill, C. D., and Pearse, L., The sewage system of Chi- cago. Sewage disposal in the U. S. and abroad. 1911. Lederer, A., and Bachmann, Ft., Fallacies in the bac- terial control of a sewage purification plant. 628,4. Stadsingeniørvæsen. Fredericia offentlige Slagtehus. 1911.