Katalog over Dansk Ingeniørforenings Bibliotek
Ordnet efter Decimalsystemet
Forfatter: O. Storch, A.G.V. Petersen
År: 1906
Forlag: Trykt hos J. Jørgensen & Co. (M. A. Hannover)
Sted: København
Sider: 39
UDK: 017(489) Dan
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000192
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Journal of the Institution of electrical Engineers. 1894—95.
Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers. Bd. I—XVI.
Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
1890— .
Public Works. 1906—08.
The Board of Trade Journal.
The Engineer. 1856—62, 1904—
The illustrated official Journal. 1904—07.
American Society of civil Engineers. 1895—
Bulletin of the New-York Public Library. 1898—
Compressed air. 1896 — 1906.
Engineering News. 1895 —
Engineering Record. 1890—
Street Railway Journal. 1899.
The Digest of physical Tests and Laboratory Practice.
The Journal of the Franklin Institute. 1895— •
The official Gazette of the United States Patent Office..
The sanitary Engineer. 1884—87.
The sanitary Engineer and Building Record. 1887—90.