The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts
Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson
År: 1915
Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors
Sted: Chicago
Sider: 486
UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.
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The present list, the eleventh of the Library’s bibliographical publica-
tions, is a companion volume to the tenth, the List of Books on the History
of Science, issued in 1911. These two lists bring together a large and im-
portant class of books the titles of which are scattered through the public
catalogues and not readily available there as a class. It was originally
planned to issue one list covering the history of both science and industry;
but it was soon found that this would be impracticable on account of the
large number of titles, and undesirable as well because each of the two
parts would interest a different group of readers. In general plan and in
manner of selection of the material the two lists are similar, though in the
present list biographies and material dealing with individual establishments
have been included to a larger extent than in the former. I he present
list includes economic history of the industries and the first division is a
survey of the resources of the Library in general economic and industrial
history. History of the science of economics, on the other hand, is not
included here, but in the List of Books on the History of Science, while the
history of commerce and banking has its proper place with the history of
Though not a bibliography in a strict sense, because concerned with the
resources of a single library only, this list may be regarded as a contribution
to the bibliography of the subject covered, as it is a first attempt to bring
together a considerable number of titles on the history of industry and the
industrial arts. Furthermore, the Library has during recent years made
a special effort to collect books bearing on this subject.
As many titles among those included in this list have no entry under
any division for history in the various sections and divisions of the classed
catalogue, because dealing with special topics not provided with such
divisions, and as the historical character of a book is not always apparent
from its title, it is probable that some books have been overlooked, in
spite of the large number that have been personally examined.
The arrangement of the titles is largely that of the classed catalogue,
though a certain amount of rearrangement has been necessary, in ordei
to bring together under the class 600 material shelved or classified under
the divisions of class 300. In the case of the larger divisions, subdivi-
sions by countries or centuries have been introduced, but never both in
the same division, nor has it been found necessary or feasible to fol'ow
this plan throughout the list. Copious references in the index both to coun-
tries and to centuries will assist the student of a special country 01 period
in finding the desired material.