The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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136 books on the history of industry Periam, Jonathan. 363.973 7 64182 Tfrg groundsweii# A history of the origin, aims, and progress of the farmers’ movement: embracing an authoritative account of far- mers’ clubs, granges, etc.; a full discussion of the transportation question and other grievances; and a history of industrial educa- tion in the United States; together with sketches of the lives of prominent leaders, etc., .... By Hon. Jonathan Periam, ... . Over one hundred illustrations. Cincinnati, E. Hannaford & Co.; Chicago, Hannaford & Thompson, [etc.], 1874. XX, [213—576 p. incl. front., illus, (inch ports.) 2o-icm. “The National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry,” p. [566]-576. South America Kaerger, Karl. L630.98Q100 28183 Landwirtschaft und Kolonisation im spanischen Amerika______ 2 vol. table. Q. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1901. Contents: \ol. i. Die La Plata-Staaten, ix,939 P- 1 table. Vol. 2. Die südameri- kanischen Weststaaten und Mexiko. vii,743 p. 631.9 History of agricultural implements Ardrey, R L 631.9 P400 74157 American agricultural implements. A review of invention and development in the agricultural implement industry of the United States in two parts. Part one: General history of invention and improvement. Part two: Pioneer manufacturing centers. By R. L. Ardrey. Chicago, the author, [ci894], 236 p. illus, incl. diagrs. 23cm. Includes revised historical articles by C. W. Marsh, editor of the Fann implement news. cf. Introd. Behlen, H 631.9 Q404 Der Pflug und das Pflügen bei den Römern und in Mitteleuropa in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Eine vergleichende agrargeschicht- liche, kulturgeschichtliche und archäologische Studie, zugleich als ein Beitrag zur Besiedelungsgeschichte von Nassau, von H. Behlen. Dillenburg, C. Seel’s Nachf. (M. Weidenbach), 1904. xvi, 192 p. 6 illus. 23icm. “Öfter angeführte Quellen und deren Abkürzungen,” p. ix.