The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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i8o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Day, Lewis Foreman, b. 1845. 74*-9 D332 85324 Penmanship of the XVI, XVII & XVlllth centuries. A series of typical examples from English and foreign writing books selected by Lewis F. Day, ... . London, B. T. Batsford, [1911]. [32] p. front., 112 facsim. 24-icm. Edited by Miss R. M. Day. “Short critical notes on penmanship with reference to the examples in this work, by Percy J. Smith,” p. [8-14]. “Alphabetical list of authors with the names of those of their books which have been drawn upon for illustrations,” 8 p. at encl. Hoffman, Walter James. 091 P501 10723 The beginnings of writing. With an introduction by Prof. Fred- erick Starr. xiv,2O9 p. il. 4 pl. D. [Anthropological series.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. With special reference to the American Indians. Kimball, Duran. 653.71 Q300 41118 Steps of progress in the art of writing. A brief historical sketch, tracing and illustrating the gradual evolution of the art from the earliest times to its present highest development in the form of the American educational and business shorthand, Lindsley’s taki- grafy, with alphabet and ten illustrative lessons, by D. Kimball, ... . Chicago, Ill., 1903. 64 p. illus, (ports.) I7cm. Published as supplement to Shorthand advocate, vol. 2. Meister, Aloys, 1866- L652 Q204 72053 Die Anfänge der modernen diplomatischen Geheimschrift. Bei- träge zur Geschichte der italienischen Kryptographie des XV. Jahrhunderts von Dr‘ Aloys Meister .... Paderborn, F. Schö- ningh, 1902. v, [2], 65 p. 25åcm. Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899. L417 Q2 70724 Palaeography. Notes upon the history of writing and the medie- val art of illumination. By Bernard Quaritch. Extended from a lecture, delivered at a conversazione of the Sette of Odd Volumes, at the galleries of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, 12th December, 1893. London, Privately printed, 1894. [4], 96 p. 21 col. facsim. 28^cm. “One hundred and ninety-nine copies of this book have been privately printed for my personal friends. This is copy no. 125.” Stuebe, Rudolf. 72064 Grundlinien zu einer Dr. R. Stuebe .... Seilschaft, 1907. iv, 35 p. 24£<™. 652 Q7O3 Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schrift, von Muenchen, Deutsche Graphologische Ge-