The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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252 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hassard, John Rose Greene. 655.31 N800 73:9 The wonders of the press. 32 p. 3 pl. 2 facsim. D. New York: Tribune Association, 1878. Binder’s title and inside cover read: The fast printing machine. [Hoe, Robert], 1839-1909. L655.31 Q200 90113 A short history of the printing press and of the improvements in printing machinery from the time of Gutenberg up to the present day. New York, printed and published for R. Hoe, 1902. 89, [2] p. incl. front., illus., plates. 27^°“. T .-p. illus. With special reference to the Hoe presses. 655.3 2 History of color printing Burch, R M 655.32 R002 81455 Colour printing and colour printers. By R. M. Burch. With a chapter on modern processes by W. Gamble. London, Sir I. Pitman and Sons, ltd., 1910. xviii, 280, [2] p. front., 26 col. pl., ports, on 7 pl., 1 facsim. 25cm. Contents. — 1. Colour printing in the fifteenth century. — 2. Colour printing in the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. — 3. Colour printing in the eighteenth century. Sec- tion 1: Le Bion’s three-colour process. The later workers in chiaroscuro. — 4. Colour printing in the eighteenth century. Section II: Intaglio printing processes, stipple, aquatint, etc.—5. Colour printing in the nineteenth century; chromo-xylography. Section 1: Savage and his ‘decorative printing’. Baxter, his licensees and his rivals. The Chiswick Press.—6. Colour printing in the nineteenth century; chromo-xylogra- phy. Section 11: Knight, Leighton, Vizetelly, Evans, Fawcett, Silbermann, the Knöf- lers, Hodson, etc. — 7. Chromo-lithography. Section 1: From the invention of the art to 185°.—8. Chromo-lithography. Sectionll: From the exhibition of 1851 to the present day. — 9. Photo-mechanical colour printing, colour etching. — 10. Modern colour pro- cesses. By W. Gamble. Seidlitz, Woldemar von. L761 S458 '29J6 .... Geschichte des japanischen Farbenholzschnitts. Mit 95 Abbildungen. Dresden, G. Kiihtmann, 1897. xvi, [4], 220 p. illus., 10 fold. pl. 29cni. At head of title: W. v. Seidlitz. “Litteraturverzeichniss,” p. [2O5]-2io. Seidlitz, Woldemar von. x L750.952 S458 82748 history of Japanese colour-prints, by W. von Seidlitz. With illustrations in colour and black and white. London, W. Heine- mann, 1910. xvi, 207 p. col. front., 74 pl. (partly col., partly fold.) 25A x I9cm. Each coloured plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. “Bibliography,” p. 195-200.