The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC ii Neurath, Otto, 1882- 330-93 Q6o° 90376 Zur Anschauung der Antike über Handel, Gewerbe und Land- wirtschaft, .... Von Otto Neurath, .... [Jena, G. Fischer, 1906.] 32, [2] p. 23åcm. Inaug.-Dis. — Berlin. Lebenslauf. Oliver, Edmund Henry. L33 0.937 Q700 93134 Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic, by Ed- mund Henry Oliver, .... [Toronto], University of Toronto Library, 1907. xv, 200 p. 27cm. {Half-title: University of Toronto studies. History and eco- nomics.) “Edition limited to 650 copies.” “Bibliography,” p. [xiii]-xv. This study was undertaken and practically completed in fulfilment of the author’s ob- ligations as Alexander Mackenzie fellow in political science in the University of Toronto during the sessions 1902-1904. cf. p. [vii]. Pestalozza, Uberto. 33°-938 Q002 90378 .... La vita economica ateniese dalla fine del secolo VII alia fine del IV secolo avanti Cristo. Milano, L. F. Cogliati, 1901. [3]-n5, [2] P- 22icm- At head of title: Uberto Pestalozza. Reynier, Jean Louis Antoine, 1762-1824. 33°-9355 H900 62421 De l’économie publique et rurale des perses et des phéniciens. Par L. Reynier. Geneve, Paris, J. J. Paschoud, 1819. xx, 416 p. I9icm. Salvioli, Giuseppe, 1857- 33°-937 Q601 90386 .... Le capitalisme dans le monde antique; études sur l’histoire de l’économie romaine, par G. Salvioli ... . Traduit sur le manu- scrit italien par Alfred Bonnet. Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1906. [6], 320, [2] p. 22cm. (Bibliothéque internationale d’économie politique.) Tissot, Paul de. 333-°37 N900 8983* Étude historique et juridique sur la condition des agrimensores dans l’ancienne Rome. Avec un appendice sur la loi aux cinq noms Mamilia Roscia Peducæa Alliena Fabia, par Paul de Tissot, .... [Paris], A. Rousseau, 1879. [4], 174 p. illus, (incl. diagrs.) 22cm. “Bibliographie,” p. 1-5. Bibliographical foot-notes.