The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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______ __________________________ 286 ______________________ BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Smith, Joseph Russell, 1874- 387 Q800 90232 The ocean carrjet- ■ a history and analysis of the service and a discussion of the rates of ocean transportation, by J. Russell Smith, .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam’s Sons; New York, Chicago, [etc.], Railroad Age Gazette, 1908. xi, 344 p. front., 32 pl., 5 maps (4 fold.) 2Ocm. Trogneux, G L656.9 O901 90910 Notice historique sur les divers modes de transport par mer. Par G. Trogneux, .... Dessins de H. Derenaucourt. Paris, E. Pion, Nourrit et cie, 1889. vi, [2], 238, [2] p. illus. 25xi9cm. “Ouvrages consultés,” i p. following preface. Urquhart, W W 656.09 Root 81460 Reminiscences. The merchant marine ocean travel in the sixties and now; tragic, psychic, and romantic. By W. W. Urquhart. [New York, The Knickerbocker Press, 1910.] 47 p. front. I9ic,n. “Dedicated to the survivors of the lost steamer Ville du Havre.” Ancient times Breusing, Arthur i.c. Friedrich August Arthur, 656.5 O602 83698 on n I8i8-I892. Die Nautik der Alten. Von Dr. A. Breusing, .... Bremen, C. Schünemann, 18S6. xiv, [2], 219, [1] p. illus., 4 pl., i fold. map. 23cm. Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- 656.9 P201 46838 .... Storia della marina militare antica. Document!______ a Catania, a spese dell’ autore, 1892-1908. 3 vol. in 5. 25cra. At head of title: Cav. prof. F. Corazzini. V ol. 2,pt. 2, and vol. 3, cover-title: Storia deLa marina militare e commerciale..... Contents. — [t. 1, pte.] 1. Sui porti militari dell’antica Atene. 2. Sulla ricostruzione delle antiche poliremi. Memorie ehe servono ad’illustrare l’Atlante della marina militare italiana antica. 1892. [10], 199, [4] p. HI fold. maps.—t. 2, pte. I. La marina in Omero. Firenze, G. Passeri. 1894. [ii]-xxxi, 399, [1] p. xivpl. (incl. maps, partly fold.)—t. 2, pte. 2. La marina in Virgilio. Appendice- I. La marina in Aristofane. 2. La marinanei Persiani diEschilo. 3. Proposta di correzioni ad un passo diGellio. Torino, C. Clausen. 1898. xxviii, [2], 382 p. vii pl. incl. maps. — t. 3. Le tavole attiche di marina tradotte per la prima volta e commentate. Torino, [Bologna], presso 1’autore, 1898-1908. 2 vol. vin pl., 8 maps. Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- 656.9 0201 46836 Storia della marina militare italiana antica, scritta da Francesco Corazzini. Livorno, R. Giusti, 1882. XV, 435» t1! P- i9^cm-