The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts
Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson
År: 1915
Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors
Sted: Chicago
Sider: 486
UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.
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Nineteenth century. qI01
The 19th century; a'review of progress during the past one hun-
dred years in the chief departments of human activity. 1x494 P-
O. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1901.
Contents: i. Law and government: Nott,C. C. The immutability of the constitution.
Moore, J. B. Progress of international law in the century. 2. History: Sedgwick, A. G.
English political development in the century. Smith, M. Germany in the nineteenth
century. Coolidge, A. C. The expansion of Russia in the nineteenth century. Bouri-
not, SirJ.G. Canada in the nineteenth century. Lummis,C. F. Mexico. Griffis, W. E.
The century’s changes in China and Japan. 3. Sociology: Heilprin, L. Geographica,
conquests of the nineteenth century. White, H. The gold standard and gold production
in the nineteenth century. Carnegie, A. Development of steel manufacture in the Uni-
ted States. Cutter, C. A. Library development. Alexander, J. W. The phenomenon cf
American life assurance. Howe, J. W. Changes in the legal and political status of
woman. Catt, C. C. Women in the industries and professions. 4. Literature and the
fine arts: Trent, W. G. American literature in the nineteenth century. Gosse, E. Eng-
lish literature in the nineteenth century. Towse, J. R. The American theatre in the
nineteenth century. Finck, H. T. The musical century. Sturgis, R. Progress of
American architecture. Cox, K. Painting in the nineteenth century. 5. Education and
science: Carter, F. The century’s growth in higher education. Palmer, A. F. Higher
education of women. Pierce, C. S. The century’s great men in science. Newcomb, S.
The century’s advance in astronomical science. Billings, J. S. The progress of medicine
in the nineteenth century. Lodge, O. Scope and tendencies of physics. Lang, A.
Psychical research of the century. Stephen, L. Evolution and religious conceptions.
6. Applied science: De Vinne, T. L. Printing in the nineteenth century. Nicol, J. The
birth and progress of photography. Trowbridge, J. Progress of electricity from 1800 to
1900. 7. Transportation: Chamberlain, E. T. Development of the merchant marine.
Hadley, A. T. Railroad economy in the nineteenth century. Midgeley, J. W. Equip-
ment, organisation, and operation of railroads. 8. The science of war: Maclay, E. S.
Development of the navy. Wilcox, C. DeW. Changes in military science.
Picard, Alfred, 1844- L309 Q601
706b9 ... . Le bilan dun siede (1801-1900). Tome premier-[sixi-
eme], Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1906-1907.
6 vol. 29icm.
At head of title: Alfred Picard.
Contents. — t. I. Education et enseignement, lettres, sciences, arts. 1906. [4],
iv, 53° P-— t. 2. Mécanique générale, électricité, génie civil et moyens de transport.
1906. [4J» 4°6 P- t* 3- Agriculture, horticulture, foréts, chasse, péche, industries
alimentaires. 1906. [4], 437 p. — t. 4. Mines et métallurgie. Industries de la déco-
ration et du mobilier. Chauffage et ventilation. Éclairage non électrique. Fils, tissus,
vétements. 1906. [4], 453 p. — t. 5. Industrie chimique. Industries diverses. Eco-
nomic sociale. 1907. [4], 470 p.—t. 6. Hygiene. Assistance. Colonisation. De-
fense nationale. 1907. x, [2], 493, [2] p.
Progress of the century. 0ß2 Qioo
The progress of the century_______ ,582,[2] p. O. New
York: Harper & Brothers, 1901.
Contents: Wallace, A. R. Evolution. Ramsay, W. Chemistry. Petrie, W M. F.-.
Archaeology. Lockyer, Sir J. N. Astronomy. Caird, E. Philosophy. Osler, W
Medicine. Keen, W. W. Surgery. Thomson, E. Electricity. Mendenhall, T. C.
Physics. Dilke, Sir C. W. War. Mahan, A. T. Naval shins, Lang, A. Literature.
Clarke, T. C. Engineering. Religion: Gibbons, J., Cardinal. Catholicism. Allen, A.
V. G. Protestantism. Gottheil, R. J. H. The Jews and Judaism. Smith, G. Free-