The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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CERAMICS 3iS 666 HISTORY OF CERAMICS General works Binns, Charles F. 738 The story of the potter. Being a popular account of the rise and progress of the principal manufactures of pottery and porce- lain in all parts of the world, with some description of modern practical working. 248 p. il. 1 pl. S. [Library of useful stories.] London: G. Newnes, 1898. Chaffers, William. 738 C341 15653 The collector’s hand book of marks and monograms on pottery & porcelain of the Renaissance and modern periods. Selected from his larger work (eighth edition) entitled “Marks and mono- grams on pottery and porcelain” with upwards of 3500 marks. A new edition revised and considerably augmented by Frederick Litchfield. xxx,[2],234 p. il. D. London: Gibbings & Co.s 1898. Chaffers, William. L738 C342 64328 kerarnjc gallery. Containing several hundred illustrations of rare, curious and choice examples of pottery and porcelain from the earliest times to the beginning of the XIXth century. With historical notices and descriptions by William Chaffers, ... . Second edition revised and edited by H. M. Cundall, .... Lon- den, Gibbings and Co.; New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1907. xxii, 468 p. ind. illus., plates. 18 pl., 5 col. pl. inch front. 26cm. Chaffers, William. L738 C34 *°356 Marks and monograms on European and oriental pottery and porcelain with historical notices of each manufactory and 3500 potters’ marks and illustrations. A new (eighth) edition, . .. revised and edited by Frederick Litchfield. xix,9/8 p. il. Q. London: Reeves and Turner, 1897. “Works of reference,” p. xiii-xix. Davillier, [Jean Charles], Baron. L738.70 D28 18942 Les origines de la porcelaine en Europe. Les fabriques italiennes dn XVe au XVHe siede avec une étude speciale sur les porcelaines des Medicis. D’apres des documents inédits. [2],140 p. il. sq. F. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1’art.) Paris: Librairie de l’art, 1882. Dussieux, Louis [Étienne]. 738.26 D94 25774 Recherches sur l’histoire de la peinture sur 1 email dans les temps anciens et modernes, et spécialement en France................. [2], 171 p. O. Paris: Leleux, 1841.