The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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456 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Kennedy, Hans. 787.8 K38 40208 Die Zither in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Eine historisch-kritische Studie über das Instrument und seine musi- kalischen Verhältnisse, von Hans Kennedy. Mit Federzeich- nungen von demselben_______ Tölz, F. Fiedler, 1896. [8], 207 p. illus. 2oicm. “Uebersicht aller bisherigen Zitherfachschriften in chronologischer Reihenfolge,” p. 165-166. ' 788 History of the flute, etc. Altenburg, Wilhelm. 788.6 A466 97229 Die Klarinette. Ihre Entstehung und Entwicklung bis zur Jetzt- zeit in akustischer, technischer u. musikalischer Beziehung, von Wilh. Altenburg. Heilbronn a. N., C. F. Schmidt, [1904]. [4], 46 p. 23^cm. Music in text. Rockstro, Richard Shepherd. 788.5 R59 90384 a treatise on the construction, the history and the practice of the flute, including a sketch of the elements of acoustics, and critical notices of sixty celebrated flute-players; by Richard Shepherd Rockstro; the greater part of the biographical information col- lected, and the whole of the extracts from the German and the Italian translated by Georgina M. Rockstro. London, Rudall, Carte and Co., [etc.], 1890. xli, [1], 664, iv p. 22icm. “Chronological list of the books and papers quoted in this work,” p. xix-xxxviii. “List of original music in which the flute takes a principal part,” p. [518]-527. “List of arrangements for the flute with other instruments,” p. [5283-530.