The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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468 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY England see Great Britain. Engraving, 187, 436-445. Ennis, W. D., 112. Enschcdé, C., 215, 223, 249. —- en zonen, J., Haarlem, 249, 250. Ericsson, J., 47. Erlinger, G., 231. Ermland, 124, 425. Ermolov, A. S., 115, 130. Ernst, A., 56. Escard, J., 299. Eschweiler Bergwerksverein, 74. Espinas, A. V., 9. — G., 368. Estienne, H., 234, 260. Ethnologic investigations, 8. Etching, 437, 438. Etherial oils, 296. Etruria, 152, 318, 319. Eude, É., 45. Europe, 69, 73, 116, 142, 152, 160, 198 271, 300. Eustis, C., 155. Evelyn, J., 437. Ewbank, T., 70. Explosives, 82, 298-299. Exports, 168. Express business, 283. Eyth, M., 4, 47. F Fabretti, R., 102. Fabricius, J. F., 245. — L., 142. Fabriczy, C. von, 422. Factory system, 3, 20. Faenza, 331. Fagniez, G. C., 27. Fahie, J. J., 64, 67. Faience, 316, 317, 327, 328, 333. Fairbairn, Sir W345. Fairholt, F. W457. Falk, F., 215, 229, — H., 264. Falke, J. von, 323, 407. — O. von, 323, 377. Falkenberg, G. von, 112. Falkenstein, K., 198. Fall River, Mass., 373. False money, 174. Farcy, L. de, 380. Farm buildings, 139. Farmer, J., 27. Farmers’ Alliance, 134. — Institutes, 135. Fashion, 157—159. Faujas de Saint-Fond, B., 108. Faulmann, K., 182, 206. Fava, M., 237. Fechner, H., 23. Fédération pour la defense des intcréts beiges å l’étranger, 30. Feith, H. O., 178. Feldhaus, F. M., 4, 42, 64, 109. Felix, L., 4. Felkin, W375. Fellows, Sir C., 417. Felsen, F., 340. Fenaille, M., 380. Fenn, G. M., 255. Ferber, F., 113. Ferrara, 331. Ferrari, G., 414. Ferguson, J., 1. Fernow, B. É., 142. Ferris, R., 113. Fertilizers, 342. Feser, A., 146. Festschrift zum fünthundertjährigen Ge- burtstage von Johann ’ Gutenberg, 215, 216. Fetes voltiennes des télégraphistes, 61. Feudal property, 120. Fcwkes, J., 368. Feyerabend, Sigmund, 192. Ffoulkes, C., 390. Fichet, G., 216, 233. Field, C., 89. — H. M., 66. Fielding, R. O., 306. Fifteenth century, 39, 40, 207, 208, 211, 212, 266, 267, 292. Fig, 140. Figuier, L., 13. Filion, B., 421. Finger-ring lore, 424. Finkenwirth, K., 365. Finlaison, J., 61. Finland, 240. Finot, J., 165. Firearms, 80-84, 39I-392- Fischbach, F., 362. Fischer, 362. — G., 216. — K., 288. — von Waldheim, G., 206. Fish culture, 119, 133, 150-152, 153. Fishing, 119, 133, 150-152, 153. F itch, J., 89. Fittica, F. B., 359. Flach, W., 130. Flags, 285. Flamm, O., 86. Flammarion, C., 109. Flanders, 165, 327, 368. Fleck, A., 354. Fleming, H., 93. Fletcher, R. A., 86, 89. — W., 58, 93. - W. Y., 395- Flint, H. M., 281. Flood, W. H. G., 455. Florence, 29, 40, 202. Flour mills, 306. Flower, P. W354. Flute, 456. Flying machines, 112-115. Fonvielle, W. de, 109. Food industries, 305-307. Forbes, A. C., 142. — S. R., 102. — U. A., 95, 287. Foresi, A., 331. Forest, F., 89. Forestié, E., 194. Forestier, G., 95. Forestry, 115, 123, 142-144. Forez, France, 27. F orman, S. E., 42. Forrer, R., 316. Forsyth, A. J., 392. Fortifications, 78, 79. Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation, 34°- Foster, W., 167. Foucher, G., 453.