Engineering Wonders of the World
Volume III

Forfatter: Archibald Williams

År: 1945

Serie: Engineering Wonders of the World

Forlag: Thomas Nelson and Sons

Sted: London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York

Sider: 407

UDK: 600 eng- gl

With 424 Illustrations, Maps, and Diagrams

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102 ENGINEERING WONDERS OF THE WORLD. yet remained, when tho dam was completed, many unsightly heaps, since utilized to advan- tage in the forination of an ornamental park on the downstream side of the structure. The next great enterprise of the Aqueduct Commissioners to be completed was the Cross River Dam and Reservoir. The contract, awarded in June 1905, pro- The Cross that the work should River Dam. . be completed in twenty-six months, and this condition—allowing for time lost owing to an injunction obtained against the Commissioners—was effectively complied masonry, is about 840 feet long and 175 feet in extreme height, with a width of 23 feet under the coping and 115 feet at the base. At the southern end the dam terminates with an abutment, from which a masonry core- wall is built for about 100 feet into the hillside. A circular structure, called a bastion, and a waste weir, 240 feet long, are built at the other end. The foundations of the dam are carried down to solid rock about 40 feet below the original low-water level of the river. The construction of another large storage reservoir at Croton Falls was begun in 1906, and is CROSS RIVER DAM, SHOWING CONSTRUCTION. with. Special features of this undertaking were the installation by the contractors of a combined system of multiple cableways and derricks, the provision of an equipment moro extensive than is usual in the case of larger works, and the use of moulded concrete blocks instead of cut stone in the face of the dam. The main part of the latter, built of cyclopean expected to be completed early in 1910. The magnitude of the works undertaken with a view to the increase and improvement of the supply from the Croton watershed may- be estimated from the fact that the expendi- tures of the Croton Aqueduct Commissioners alone, during the twelve years ended in 1906, amounted to close upon £6,000,000.